What is Secondary Tubing?
Mills ultimately produce prime steel with certification about the steel's integrity.
That is always their goal. While producing prime steel, mills make mistakes.
Product can be off gauge or not quite straight or flat. Tubing and pipe can have
mid-welds, splits and windows. Product could be cut for a customer at the
wrong specifications and what is custom cut for a customer can leave usable
short pieces. Steel sitting in a warehouse too long can have what is called
warehouse rust or can simply have become an overstocked item. Tubing and
pipe can have splinter welds or zipper welds. Both are structurally sound but not
very pretty. I am sure I left out many other reasons.
While secondary steel is not prime with mill certifications guaranteeing its
structural integrity, it is still very good for many uses. If your job does not require
mill certification, secondary steel can be the right choice. If you are cutting
smaller pieces, rust is not a problem, or if you simply want to save a lot of money
in material costs look at secondary steel.
We choose our secondary materials carefully. If you are going to have too much
waste it is not worth the savings. We try to match the right product to the customer.
We want repeat business and a happy customer will come back.
Please do not hesitate to call with any question which may arise.
Low Delivered Prices!
Square Tubing from 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x .125 to 12" x 12" x .500
Rectangular Tubing from 3" x 1 1/2" x .125 to 18" x 6" x .500
Round Tubing from 1.9" to 16"
Farm and Feeder, Marine, Refuse, Utility and Many More Applications including Feed Bunks, Hay Wagons, Calving Pens, Feeders, Roll-Off Containers, Dumpsters, Machine Bases, Fencing, Signs, Skid Steer Attachments, Bobcat Attachments, Shoring and Sea Walls, Trailers, Attachments, Utility Buildings, Surface Casings, Bollards, Ornamental Iron, Culverts, Piling, Casings, Bulkheads, Marine Contracting, Resale, Fabricating, WindBreak Panels, and Many Other Uses...
Any application where your needs do not require mill certification is a candidate for secondary tubing